Settlement Resources

Please check this page often for continuing news and information regarding the NAR settlement.
The very best place for the most up-to-date information is the NAR webpage at, however, pertinent information from that webpage, along with resources from VAR & HRRA, will be posted here.
In this tumultuous time, brokers and agents alike may be asking just what is/has NAR done for us outside of the settlement. It is important to remember that the settlement was reached, although it has not been approved by the court at this time, to benefit our members. In the last three years, the advocacy work being done by members and staff has been prolific. These actions are many and benefit the residential REALTOR®, the property manager, the commercial REALTOR®, the homebuyer, & the home seller. Members are highly encouraged to read just exactly what their dues are paying for and how their RPAC dollars are put to work. The following fact sheets define those benefits: 2021 NAR legislative wins, 2022 NAR legislative wins, and 2023 NAR legislative wins, and VAR legislative wins. HRRA in the last 12 months has had two significant wins in increasing housing inventory in Chesapeake and Suffolk, along with promoting Smart Growth Principles in our municipalities of Portsmouth and Suffolk.
VAR Resources
HRRA Resources
Live RENE course with Adorna Carroll
NAR Resources
Litigation Update with Chief Legal Counsel Katie Johnson