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The Virginia REALTORS® Political Action Committee is the political arm of the Virginia REALTORS® Association, and it exists to assist the Association in achieving its goals to support politicians that support the real estate industry. Stated simply, RPAC is your voice in politics!

As REALTORS® and members of HRRA, we should be thankful for the strong, unified presence our group wields among Virginia’s lawmakers. RPAC means that you, as HRRA members, will benefit from the result of more REALTOR® friendly legislation at the federal, state and local level.

Continuing the work of supporting REALTOR® friendly candidates and to defeat or support major public policy initiatives would not be possible without the existence of RPAC or the contributions from members of the Hampton Roads REALTORS® Association.

Contribution Levels

HRRA members may contribute any amount at any time; suggested annual levels are listed below.

  • Platinum "R": $10,000
  • Golden “R”: $5,000
  • Crystal “R”: $2,500
  • Sterling “R”: $1,000
  • Governor’s Club: $500
  • Capitol Insider: $250
  • Mayor’s Club: $100
  • Fair Share: $35

Current Contributors

Platinum "R"

Deborah Baisden – BHHS RW Towne
Jennifer Bryant - The Bryant Group
Gregory Chaplain- The Real Estate Group

Golden "R"
Crystal "R"
Sterling "R"
Governor's Club
Capitol Insider
Mayor's Club

Who decides which candidates receive contributions?

The Government Affairs Committee of HRRA makes recommendations to the HRRA Board of Directors as to which candidates should be considered to receive a campaign contribution and/or endorsement. Ultimately, the HRRA Board of Directors determines where the association’s RPAC funds are spent. Each contribution is the result of a fair and detailed process that includes assessing a candidate’s voting record, reviewing candidate questionnaires, and face-to-face interviews with candidates.

I already contribute to the candidate(s) of my choice.

A contribution from RPAC represents the REALTORS® viewpoint and our support of legislation directly affecting our business. You should give to the candidate of your choice, but you should also give to RPAC. If you are giving $2,000 or more to candidates please consider joining the President’s Circle. This elite group of members donate directly to candidates under the REALTOR®  banner. A contribution from an individual is a contribution from a friendly supporter. The sizable contribution that RPAC is able to donate reminds candidates of the large number of voters the Association represents.


Contributions to Virginia REALTORS® RPAC are voluntary and are used for political purposes; they are not deductible for federal or state income tax purposes. Members may contribute more or less than the suggested amount and may refuse to contribute without reprisal. The National Association of REALTORS® or any of its state associations or local boards will not favor or disfavor any member because of the amount contributed. NAR has established state Federal RPAC Disbursement Allocations based on anticipated National RPAC needs. Thirty percent of all Major Investor contributions are sent to NAR to be applied to the Federal RPAC Disbursement Allocation and are charged against the limits under 52 U.S.C. 30116 with the remaining seventy percent maintained for state and local usage. Decisions regarding Virginia REALTORS® RPAC contributions to meet the Federal RPAC Disbursement Allocation will be made throughout the fundraising year. The contributor certifies that they are at least 18 years old and are making this contribution with their own personal funds- not those of another person or entity, nor are they a foreign national or federal contractor.