Become a Member
All member dues & fees are non-refundable. By completing the application form you are acknowledging and agreeing that you understand the terms and consequences associated with completing the member application. There are no exceptions to this refund policy.
If you'd prefer to complete a paper application, you can download it here.
Thank you for growing our association! Becoming a REALTOR® means that you are setting yourself above ordinary real estate agents. REALTORS® abide my a much higher standard. The REALTOR® Code of Ethics is much more than a promise that you will act ethically (we can assume that many licensees who are not REALTORS® act ethically, but our Code of Ethics is much more than that. It is a promise to the consumer that our members will work and cooperate ethically together to facilitate the close of the transaction. Both the selling and the buying broker agree to work towards the consumer's best interest. Being a REALTOR® means self-policing and agreeing to certain standards and actions should there be a question of commission payment. Now more than ever, the requirement to arbitrate has incredible value to our members.
On the online application form (while we prefer you join online you can download the paper app here) you will notice two application fees. The first is the HRRA application fee, this is a one-time only fee, however if you leave the REALTOR® organization for more than 12 months, you will have to re-join and pay application fees again. The second is the Virginia Association of REALTORS® (VAR) application fee, which also has the same policy.
Your dues are actually membership dues for all three levels of the organization, the HRRA (your local), VAR the state association and the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR). While HRRA invoices and collects, we are invoicing and collecting for the other two groups as well. This requirement to join all three levels of the association when you opt to become a REALTOR® is called the three-way agreement. This means that you are agreeing to all the bylaws and policies of all three organizations. We highly encourage you to familiarize yourself with all three and have links below to those documents.
Not all dues are tax deductible. For 2024, with NAR dues at $156 per member, NAR computes 35%, or $55, to be nondeductible for income tax purposes due to NAR’s lobbying efforts. None of your dues can be used to fund legislative candidates, per FECA, Federal Election Campaign Act, political contributions must be made through a Political Action Committee, a PAC. The REALTOR® organization is not about politics, we are all about policy, positive legislation to promote homeownership, business ownership, and private property rights. We also work diligently on all three levels to defeat negative legislation that impacts either your pocketbook or property rights. We highly encourage you to give the extra $15 to the REALTORS® PAC, RPAC with your application. To learn more visit our advocacy pages on this site. You may have heard about recent lawsuits impacting the REALTOR® organization, you are highly encouraged to keep abreast of these industry changes by visiting often.
After your application is approved, you will have 60 days to complete new member orientation, You will receive an emailed letter with the details. The orientation, which includes the mandatory new member Code of Ethics Training, is a requirement of membership. Failure to complete the process will result in your broker being notified to return your license to DPOR or to have you reapply paying new member fees all over again.
Finally, absolutely join YPN, it's free, by joining the FB YPN Group, If you are a new broker, watch for your broker newsletter, the Broker Beat, it will list the dates of the upcoming broker orientation. Broker orientation is not mandatory but HIGHLY recommended. Also join the Broker FB group at
If you are a commercial REALTOR® visit our commercial website at please join the commercial FB group at:
The very best way to get the most out of your membership dollars is to attend the free on-the-job training HRRA provides through its forums, seminars and summits, all are listed on the homepage of the website. HRRA also offers workshops ranging from $49 to $99 dollars, which typically include a meal. In addition, HRRA provides national certifications and designations (think of them as advanced university level courses) at reduced pricing. Attend as many of the free YPN and other networking events as you can, this helps to build your referral network and also keeps you abreast of special offerings of our affiliate members, you will want to know if a mortgage company is offering closing assistance, for example. Each Spring through early Fall committee applications open. Joining a committee is one of the very best ways to reach success in the real estate industry, you will meet, converse and learn from top producers and our best leaders.
Each month a portion of a new member’s dues are pro-rated. HRRA does not charge a new member for the month he/she joins.
Remember if you are joining at the very end of the month, it may be cost advantageous to you to wait until the first of the month, you do have 30 days to join from the date your broker sent your license to DPOR as being hung under their brokerage. Please remember that the membership year runs from January through December. If you join in December, you will pay dues again for the following year in January, please plan ahead.