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2025 HRRA Local Legislative Agenda

Proposed Legislative Agenda Items 2025:

Zoning Reform
Each locality on the Southside has its own zoning rules and ordinances that can be confusing for
clients and influence their decision to buy a home. HRRA will work to promote Smart Growth
principles in the development of communities that promote a diversity of housing that creates
attainable solutions for all home buyers.

Economic Development
Work with Go Virginia to promote regional and public/private collaboration to support economic
development and attainable housing across the region.

Transportation Initiatives
HRRA will work with localities across the region to promote and support transportation networks to
facilitate easier access to transportation across the region, to address attainable living needs
for current and future homeowners.

Accessory Dwelling Units
Legislation to protect the rights of homeowners to build Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU) within
their real property boundaries building envelope in accordance with current building codes and
regulations. The legislation would protect homeowners from any additional regulations imposed by
local zoning authorities that are designed to disallow or discourage ADU.

Stormwater and Sewer Initiatives
Support legislation to balance water quality and quantity objectives in stormwater management while
protecting private property rights. HRRA seeks equality of ordinances and statutes and considers
all areas including those outside the
Chesapeake Bay watershed.